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Castle will not improve ck2 agot reddit

castle will not improve ck2 agot reddit

Maester Pelleas, please begin with the first matter that needs our attention”. “Now that everyone is here we can begin with the council. Trystane had always respected Lady Wyl, and would always defend her abilities, even when others on the council had expressed their concerns about her age. “There is nothing to apologise for my lady, we are in no rush”. “I am sorry my lords, in my old age the road from Wyl to Yronwood, how ever short, does take it's toll”. The last member of council to arrive was elderly Lady Sylvia Wyl, who took the position of spymaster. They always met in the early morning to avoid the intense heat of the midday sun. ​Trystane had been waiting in the council chambers for nearly an hour before all of the members had arrived. The Council of Yronwood Castle, circa 211 AL Since then Trystane has kept quiet, maintaining loyalty to the crown and his liege, Prince Maron Martell. Senelle and Trystane's marriage had brought Yronwood back into good fortunes, and helped Trystane to regain a little bit of prestige. To make sure that the deals went ahead, he married the daughter of the richest merchant in all of Dorne. To mend this Trystane dealt with merchants, granting them deals and contracts if they financed certain areas in the Boneway. To make matters worse when he returned to Yronwood he discovered that his family was in debt, caused by his father's attempt to raise an army in support of the Black Dragon. Trystane had attempted to mend the relations between Yronwood and the crown, but many in the Red Keep still distrusted him. Trystane's time in Kings Landing was thankfully short as his father died shortly after the rebellion. There were concessions of course, each of lords had to send their eldest child as a hostage to Kings Landing. Luckily for House Yronwood, King Daeron was merciful and reconciled with many of the rebellious lords. When Daemon fell in battle and his family and supporters fled, House Yronwood was left to face King Daeron's justice. Trystane's father, Lord Farien, had sided with Daemon Blackfyre during his rebellion. The last 15 years had been tumultuous for House Yronwood. Amarei was more than happy to oblige and skipped down the hallway, her handmaiden struggling to keep up.

castle will not improve ck2 agot reddit

“I think you have had enough tutoring today, go along and find you're mother”. Even if he did tell her of the heroics of King Yorick V, the last king of the Boneway, he knew she would bring up the similar heroics and sacrifices of her hero, Princess Nymeria. He knew that there was no getting past this point of contention today. “Because our ancestors chose is not an excuse daddy”. “Because that is what our ancestors chose-” Amarei of House Yronwood, heir to the Stoneway​

Castle will not improve ck2 agot reddit